Wednesday 28 February 2018

Unlocking the Regis - Pokemon OmegaRuby and Alpha Sapphire

Image result for pokémon omega ruby and alpha sapphire logo

Firstly you need to catch a Relicanth and a Wailord. Relicanth can be found in nearly all of the Underwater Areas and a you will need to catch a Wailmer then level it up to Level 40 for it to evolve into a Wailord.

Then, starting from Pacifidlog Town and Surf on the lowest route, until you get to a sandy island on the start of Route 133, cross into Route 134 and surf from the island in the middle of the notch on the west side. You will then be forced into a small calm part of the ocean where you will be able to Dive underwater.

Once you are underwater, continue southwards to a place where you will be able to rise from the depths. This place is called the Sealed Chamber. There will be 8 large stones with the alphabet in Braille written on them. On the back wall there is large text saying "DIG HERE". Use Dig and a hole in the wall will appear. You will be able to get into the backroom and there will be another large text saying "FIRST COMES RELICANTH. LAST COMES WAILORD." So put Relicanth at the beginning of your party and Wailord at the end of your party and read the text again. A large rumble will be heard and 3 seperate ruins will now have opened, holding the Legendary Regis.

Image result for pokemon - relicanth
Image result for pokemon - wailord

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