Wednesday 13 September 2017

How to Unlock Challenge Weapons - Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Image result for cod iw logo

In Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, there are a couple of weapons in Multiplayer, which can be unlocked by completing challenges.

Primary Weapons:
R-VIN - Kill 200 Enemies with Energy Based Assault Rifles.
X-Eon - Complete 15 Matches where you got a kill with 6 Different Weapons.
G-Rail - Complete 20 Matches where you got at least 5 Hip-Fire Kills using the Stallion .44. 
VPR - Win 12 Matches where you got at least 1 Kill with the X-Eon.
Trencher - Complete 20 Matches where you got at least 10 Kills with Classic Weapons.
Raijin-EMX - Complete 20 Matches where you got at least 10 Kills using Burst-Fire Weapons.
Auger - Complete 20 Matches where you landed at least 50 Damaging Shots using LMGs.
Atlas - Complete 20 Matches where you got at least 10 Kills using the Raijin-EMX.
Trek-50 - Complete 15 Matches where you got at least 5 One-Shot Kills using Sniper Rifles.
Proteus - Complete 20 Matches where you got kills with the Trek-50 and the M.2187.
M.2187 - Complete 15 Matches where you killed at least 10 Enemies while using Akimbo Weapons.

Secondary Weapons:
UDM - Kill 200 Enemies with Pistols with an Optic Quipped & Weapon Prestige Accessory.
Stallion .44 - Complete 20 Matches where you got at least 5 Kills with Pistols

Image result for X-Eon cod
X-Eon Energy Assault Rifle


  1. Do you have to be online for these to count since I have already done some of these without knowing

    1. I believe you do have to be online because I just did the challenge for the Trek-50 on local play and I didn't get it that suck.
