Monday 20 May 2019

Silent Night - Call of Duty: WWII

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Sneak through the courtyard undetected in "Liberation" - 20

This is done on Mission 5: Liberation

After killing Heinrich and exchanging briefcases, you will meet up with Major Crowley, this is where you will equip your Suppressed P-08 and you'll have to sneak through the courtyard and plant the bombs on the main doors of the building. When sneaking, soldiers will have an alert meter above their head; when the Black German Cross fills with White, the soldier is suspicious and looking for you. When the German Cross is Red, you have been spotted and the soldiers will begin attacking you. Avoid the Alert Meters from filling up, if the any Alert Meters turn red, restart from last checkpoint.

As soon as you get onto baloney, turn right and follow the ledge round to the left, killing the soldier at the opposite ballony with a headshot. Then continue up and over the crates onto and over the small roof onto the following baloney. Then open the window and climb through into the room. Cross the corridor towards the staircase, taking the stairs down. There is a soldier at the other end of the corridor, you can kill him or sneak past him when he is not looking. When you reach the bottom of the stairs, continue down the small flight of stairs and unlock the door, turning right. There is a soldier at the rear of the truck, you shoot him in the head or perform a silent kill which ever is easiest for you. Then plant the bomb on the first door.

Turn around where you will enter the courtyard, staying to the right, keeping in the shadows, avoid the line of sight of the soldier which is under a small shelter in front of you. There are also two soldiers which make a rectangle-shaped routine then patrol, I recommend avoiding them rather than shooting them. On the right hand side, there is a baloney which sticks out from the building, with a ramp leading up onto to it. Don't take the ramp, go under the baloney through a short tunnel. There is a soldier at the end of the tunnel, but you'll need to make it about half-way through the tunnel for your weapon's range to be at affect. Kill the soldier with a headshot, making sure that the soldier is in the tunnel when you kill him to avoid soldiers coming over to investigate the body. At the end of the tunnel, continue along the right side, keeping in the shadows, making your way to the main gate to plant the second bomb. There is a soldier facing you, at the rear of the truck, perform a headshot to kill the soldier, then walk past the truck and plant the last bomb.

The P-08 is a German Empire Semi-Automatic Pistol, the full name of the weapon is Pistole-Parabellum, or more commonly known as the Luger.

Image result for suppressed luger
Suppressed P-08 "Luger"

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