Thursday 16 May 2019

One of the Lucky Few - Call of Duty: WWII

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Breach the seawall in under 2 minutes without taking MG fire - 10

This is done on Mission 1: D-Day

At the very beginning of the mission, as soon as you gain control, sprint to the left destroyed tank. Move to the right when Corporal Pierson does, taking cover behind the row of Czech Hedgehogs. Once there is a break in the MG fire, Pierson goes to the left, while I recommend going forwards and taking cover in the large crater, then watching for Pierson to continue towards the destroyed ambulance. Then wait for Pierson to move again towards the final line of Czech Hedgehogs. Then finally move towards the seawall where you use the explosive to blow a hole in the wall for the rest of the soldiers.

If you get hit, restart from last checkpoint and try again. You will know if you take fire as your health bar will not be at 100%, as well as you will have a red hit marker on your screen. You need to make it to the seawall before 1:35 as it takes a couple of seconds for Private Daniels to accurate arm the explosive. The timer ends as soon as the explosive goes off and the game saves the checkpoint.

Czech Hedgehogs were first used by Nazi Germans took control of Czechoslovakia in 1938. They were famously used in the Normandy Landings to stop tanks charging the Nazi-Occupied Seawal, allowing the Allies to easily blow apart the Normandy Defences. 

Czech Hedgehogs

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