Wednesday 11 July 2018

Who's Next? (Spider Mastermind Boss Battle) - DOOM

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Defeat the Spider Mastermind - 25

You will encounter the Spider Mastermind at the end of Mission 13 - Argent D'Nur

You will jump down to the battlefield, where you'll witness Olivia Pearce being struck with demonic lightning and turning into the Spider Mastermind.

It has a large barrage of attacks:
Ground Corruption

Melee - The Spider Mastermind will rush towards you and attempt to swipe at you with it's large claws/legs. You avoid this by jumping and sidestepping.

Lasers - The Spider Mastermind will unleash rotating lasers; you can avoid them by jumping over the first set of lasers, then crouching to avoid getting damaged on the second set.

Ground Corruption - The Spider Mastermind at one point will raise up several small pillars and begin to electrocute the ground with a wave of blue electricity. You'll have to jump onto a small pillar and then jump off the pillar when the blue electrical wave discharges into electricals beams, jump down to avoid being stabbed by the spikes coming out of the small pillar's tops.

The Spider Mastermind will only take damage in it's weak spot - the uncovered fleshing pink brain which is visible from the top the beast's head.

I found that the Super Shotgun and the Rocket Launcher worked the best, the BFG worked the best but I only had 3 shots of the weapon to use.

Spider Mastermind

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