Wednesday 14 March 2018

Perfection #3 - Call of Duty 3

Image result for call of duty 3 logo

Call of Duty 3 tells the story of the Polish, American, French, Canadian & British struggle in the Battle of Normandy, in World War II. You fight along fellow soldiers, against the Nazi intruders who plan on conquering the globe. You play as an infantryman, highlander, demolition expert and a tanker driver to push back the Nazi onslaught. Seeing the brutal and never-ending fight the allies had to endure through make you experience the realness of the physical and mental battle the men and women went through. The blood, the mud, the trauma; for a video game which came out 12 years ago, it shows the intensity extremely clearly.

There are 13 Chapters in the game, which I completed on Easy, then on Veteran Difficulty; which was extremely annoying with god awful enemy spawns and dumb things which happens more often than not. But the stupid rag-doll physics made me laugh, which help baring through the Veteran playthrough. I couldn't play the multiplayer as the server was disconnected about 8 years ago now.

I also got the achievements; Hot Potato & Big Air. The other achievements involved completing a level only using a certain type of weapon, or limited amount of rounds, or taking a limited amount of hits. The achievement Assault Trooper, to use only Assault Rifles in a level was glitched, refusing to unlock. I even made a new account to attempt to get the achievement, but it was glitched on the other account as well... 

Difficulty: 3/10 (easy difficulty) 9/10 (veteran difficulty)
Time to complete: Around 25 Hours
Overall Enjoyment: 5/10

I found that when killing a certain enemies, extreme ragdoll physics would through the enemy 6 feet into the air for no reason, which was interesting in a house. Also the last mission, just before the end when you have to hold out in Chambois against the oncoming Nazi Soldiers, I died a couple of times and the checkpoint there is brutal, you have to fight through the same building, then use the Flak Cannons to destroy the armoured cars and tanks. I found this part the most difficult/annoyest part of the whole campaign. It sometimes felt slow and point to point kill objectives, which was annoying but whole game holds up pretty well from 2006 when the game was originally released.

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