Monday 20 November 2017

Rant about the age of A.I.

Image result for A.I.

A.I., or Artificial Intelligence, is defined as "the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence", in layman's terms when a computer or robot is able to think for itself and make decisions. A.I. is being used hospitals, production, transportation and even your normal working lives, it is becoming a day-to-day technology which we are taking for granted. For example; Siri, Cortana & Alexa are personal assistants for iPhone, Microsoft & Amazon respectively, which we use everyday to help us through meaningless tasks; from a keeping a schedule to asking how old Stan Lee is. 

A.I. is even being programming into driver-less cars. Yes, allows you to have a couple of drinks at the pub and the car will drive you home, or allows you to sleep in the car on the way to work, but what happens when the car comes across a moral decision, such as the Trolley Problem. The Trolley Problem is a thought experiment which makes you think about does the few out weigh the the many. The robot car will have the make that decision. Do you really want to put this kind of decision in the hands of the driver-less car?

Robots are becoming so advantages that they have been developed to look like humans and mingle with people, as well as do a human's job more efficiently and quicker. There are even Robot Football Matches and Robot Racing Car Championships being held today. With technology of today being so advantaged, what's stopping the A.I. from making the discovery that humans are the main cause of human death. Faces the facts; we as humans have messed up this planet... pretty badly. The robots will be able to see this, making the ultimate decision to protect its own existence, therefore getting rid of the cause of pain - humans.

Yes, I understand that I, Robot was just a film, but it is foreshadowing a future in which we live along side robots, where they will be able to think for themselves and carry out day-to-day jobs. Where robots won't see themselves as robots, but as other living lifeforms who share a planet with us. And I'll leave you with "Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics" from I, Robot:
1 - A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2 - A robot must obey orders given it by human beings expect where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3 - A robot must protect its own existence as long as protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

ASIMO 4.28.11.jpg
Honda ASIMO Robot

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